The “Contents” have it
Following the successful passage through the House of Commons, the mantle to guide Finns Law through the House of Lords has passed into the secure hands of Viscount Trenchard. Not only a welcome advocate for Finns Law, Viscount Trenchard’s involvement maintains the local connection with Hertfordshire.
We are absolutely delighted that Finn’s Law has been met with the same overwhelming cross party support. This was clearly evident at the debate that took place for the 2nd Reading on Friday 1st March 2019 as Finn’s Law was sent forward to the Committee Stage. Such was the support from the public on social media on this day, that our Twitter account @finnforchange and PC Wardell’s account @K9Finn were temporarily suspended due to the volume of activity. We understand that Sir Oliver’s account @OliverHealdMP was similarly busy and that #FinnsLawFriday was trending. We cannot express how much it emboldens us to do so with such tangible support. We are eternally grateful to you all for your unerring support over this journey.
Tuesday 19th March was the date set for the Committee in the House of Lords. Unlike the House of Commons, the Lords hold their Committee’s in the chamber. We had advance notice that we should expect this to be a quick process as there were no indications that any amendments had been tabled. 42 seconds later and the Committee stage was completed with the full support of the House as no amendments had been tabled. The requirement for a Report has therefore been discharged.
So where now? Tuesday 2nd April 2019 will see Finn’s Law return to the House of Lords for it’s 3rd Reading. This is the final opportunity for anyone to raise any points for consideration or amendment. We are confident that the considerable amount of work and discussions that have taken place to reach thus far, will stand Finn’s Law in in very good sted. The 3rd Reading in the House of Commons was a very emotional day for all involved and we are aware many of you were watching and sharing these precious historic moments with us, similarly proud of what you have helped to achieve. We are ready for the 3rd Reading in the House of Lords and trust that many of you will be watching as proceedings unfold.