“The ayes have it”

7th February 2019. The day before we were due to head up to Parliament for the 3rd Reading we heard about another police dog being assaulted, PD Alfa from the MET, he had a car door slammed repeatedly against his head during an arrest. Thankfully, he recovered after a night in the vets and is back at work but it served us with another reminder of why we fight so hard for Finn’s Law. The offender has been charged with criminal damage and it is extremely unjust! We await further updates.
The 3rd Reading went very well and thankfully “the ayes have it”. RPD Finn was even allowed up into the gallery to watch the proceedings with us. Finn’s Law is turning history on its head, so very few Private Member Bills make it past the 2nd Reading and here we are – on our way successfully to the House of Lords with a retired police dog watching on.
It was such a pleasure to see the House united on both sides and everyone coming together in support of Sir Oliver’s Bill, not to mention the numerous “dog” references that were included. Many police dogs were mentioned by name, including PD Axle and PD Aman, we cannot thank them enough for keeping us safe and protecting us.
Today, 11th February 2019, the Bill had its 1st Reading in the House of Lords. It was very quick and we look forward to the 2nd Reading and debate, hopefully in the not too distant future. We would also like to say a huge thank you to Viscount Trenchard for taking #FinnsLaw through the Lords. We fully support you every step of the way.

It’s time for Finn’s Law!
#FinnsLawScotland – The Scottish Government have opened the public consultation on their Animal Welfare Act, we urge you all to please follow the link and have your say, Question 4 relates to Finn’s Law and your views do count. Please be honest and polite. You don’t have to live in Scotland to have your say. https://www.gov.scot/publications/consultation-amend-animal-health-welfare-scotland-act-2006/
#FinnsLawNIreland – there is still a petition open for Northern Ireland, if you haven’t yet, please do sign it. We are trying extremely hard to ensure that Finn’s Law applies across the whole of the UK. https://www.change.org/p/protect-police-dogs